How it All


Unified Payment

Channels Solution

Business Model – Software as a Service (SaaS) Pay by bank, mPOS, USSD, Payment Link

Mobile Payment

Card Swiping

Chomi App

The Payment Process

Customer receives text message (SMS) requesting payment. the message includes a unique ”payment link” directing customer to the payment page.
Selecting the payment link automatically opens a browser session and the secure payment page in the payment gateway on the customer’s phone. The customer enters the card details and submits the payment.
Customer receives transaction status confirmation.
Customer receives text message (SMS) confirming a successful transaction.

Why We Exist

Fragmented payments services in Africa make it difficult for small business owners to use card services. Most card readers are expensive with high processing and high monthly fees by current payment processors Risk of cash theft exposure by small businesses and informal sector vendor.

Convenience is

Our Motivation

We have built a go-to digital infrastructure for the informal sector that removes the friction between somebody making a payment and somebody accepting a payment.

Access to our entire network through a single API connection simplifies digital payments. We also offer customized payment integrations for merchants to increase accountability, tracking of payments and reduce cash theft.

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